Probation and Parole

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Probation and Parole Officers Angel Taylor Career Choices in Criminal Justice Darrin Abner 7/27/14 Probation and Parole Officers play a big part in our criminal justice systems and courts system. Both probation and parole officers work with convicted criminals. They both have many similarities and differences. They both have the same goal in mind: to have the offender rehabilitated and make a positive contribution to society (Eileen Baylus, eHow Contributor.) Probation and Parole officers both report to the courts on terms of one’s sentencing. Both of these types of officers meet their clients regularly. Being a good communicator is necessary for both probation and parole officers. Both probation and parole officers can send their clients back to jail or prison if one does not cooperate and serve the punishment they are sentenced. While they both have similarities their jobs are different as well. Probation officers come into play before sentencing to determine if the candidate would most likely succeed with probation. Parole comes after the individual has served a portion of the sentence imposed on them (Kris Kennedy, 01 18, 2010.) Probation sentences are decided and set by the judge, where parole sentences and changes are determined by the parole board. Probation is carried out by the traditional criminal justice system and parole by the correctional system. While on probation many people are at home or with a family member unsupervised. On parole many individuals are made to go to halfway houses and other forms of rehabilitation. As a probation officer one ensures that adult or juvenile offenders meet conditions stipulated by the court to avoid jail time. To become a probation officer you have to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice or social work. Communication, critical-thinking, sound judgment, and organization are all skills a

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