The Importance of Enforcing Uniforms in Schools

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The Importance of Enforcing Uniforms in Schools Keisha Rucker English 101/AAGN1407U2 September 9, 2012 Tanya Akopoff University of Phoenix Abstract Enforcing uniforms in schools are important because it prevents gang violence, provides unity, and promotes discipline. All schools should enforce uniforms it gives the school structure. Enforcing school uniforms can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhances the students learning environment. It also promotes a drug free school for the students. Many students today don’t like wearing uniforms to school because they want to keep up with the latest fashion. What they don’t know is uniforms could prepare them for the future. Most careers in today’s world wear uniforms; such as policemen, firefighters, nurses, and doctors. Wearing uniforms can prepare them to be professional in the working world. The Importance of Enforcing Uniforms in Schools Enforcing uniforms in school could prevent gang violence from happening in the schools. If students are not in uniforms and they wear the wrong colors to school they can get shot at because a gang member might mistakenly think they’re in a rival gang. It can also help reduce how gang members identify themselves. School uniforms would help reduce crime and violence on the school property. School violence in all is harmful forms that has potentially serious short and long term affects on the individual student, the school as a whole, and the society. If students are in uniforms it can prevent robberies for their brand name clothing and shoes. The consequences for not being in uniforms are students could get shot at for having on the wrong colors, gang wars can start. “Parents are happy to have something worn that can’t be mistaken for gang attire.” (Myers, R. A. 1995, Sep 15) Uniforms can stop the haves

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