School Uniform Essay

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Research Proposal 1) The issue I am addressing is why schools with children from kindergarten through 8th grade and some high schools need to enforce a mandatory school uniform policy to lessen the theft and violence and bullying in schools. My proposal is important and it matters because innocent students are getting, bullied, hurt, and killed because of what they are wearing and if we enforce my claim then the number of these can possibly go down. This matters to the parents, school students, school faculty, school administrators, and our future generation, because it affects all of us in several different ways. 2) The competing side of my argument is not to enforce a mandatory school uniform policy. They believe that enforcing children and youth to wear uniform takes away from their freedom of expressing themselves and their values. Forcing children and youth to wear uniform can also prevent them from learning to adapt to social context and standards. What if a student is homosexual and they cross dress, should they have to be forced to wear clothes out of their comfort zone? Why should students have to wear the same type of clothing style for summer as they do for winter, then they will have to spend more money to get a different type of style. Also the price of tax will go up, trying to fund for families who cannot afford school uniform for their children. Uniforms might also influence children and youth from other schools who are not required to wear uniform to bully students who are required to wear uniform. 2 cont) School uniform will help hide social differences between students, all students will be dressed alike pertaining to their sex that way nobody will look better than the other. Uniforms can also help with the safety at the school, there will be less fight, and less bullying. Uniforms can also save families a lot of money, there will be no need
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