Article Rebuttal: Should Public Schools Have a Strict Dress Code Policy?

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Article Rebuttal: Should Public Schools Have a Strict Dress Code Policy? BCOM/275 September 3, 2012 Article Rebuttal: Should Public Schools Have a Strict Dress Code Policy? As a child growing up in the 1970’s, dressing to impress was a part of the social climb to the top of the latter. Students would wear jeans, sometimes with holes in the knees, we would wear t-shirts of any color, shoes of all colors, and anything that would make us unique. One thing that is certain, however, is that we would not dare wear anything deemed “inappropriate” by our parents or any other adult; at least most of us would not! Today’s society and children are a different breed altogether; they will push boundaries as far as they can and show more skin than we did in our bathing suits, regardless of what authority figures say or think. Dress codes are important in a public school to keep things at an even balance. Students can focus more on who they are than what they are wearing, improving their self-esteem. “School officials have a responsibility to provide a safe, secure, and productive learning environment. Dress and appearance play a role in doing so” (“School Safe and Security Services”, 1996-2012, para. 1). If children place too much emphasis on what they look like, or how expensive other student’s clothes cost, it can make an unsafe and unhealthy environment. Students and some adults claim that, “School-uniform policies infringe upon students’ First Amendment rights to freedom of expression” (“Dress Codes Verses Public Schools”, 2012, para. 4). Joie L Green, Superintendent for Mahanoy Area School District (personal communication, September 4, 2012), said of parental and student arguments against stricter dress codes, “It will make them (the students) rebel more than they already do”. She continues to speak of the wonderful changes that the dress

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