Bryant High School Research Paper

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High school also known as Bryant High School, is such a diverse school with so much to offer for the new comers. Its an outstanding school for it to close down with so many opportunities. This school was named after by an American journalist and poet, William Cullen Bryant. This building was built around the late 1890s, making it an old building. This building is a historical landmark of Queens. If this school were to shut down, the students would be missing so much educational excellence from the teachers. It wouldn’t make any sense to close the school and split each floor into new schools when it’s the budget cuts that are being deducted every school year. Bryant high school has so many academic departments and athletic sports to offer. It would be a shame to let these opportunities for the students to lessen. Closing the high school would hurt the community especially the parents. The parents will have to send their children to other schools because parents will seek better opportunities in other school. Students from Bryant are involved in school activities and…show more content…
If parents are paying the exceeded taxes. There is a sufficient amount of money for public schooling especially with a big population in the city. By threatening the public educational system with budget cuts, this is just a way to deteriorate the quality of learning. Getting rid of teachers is not a intelligent way of saving money. The Board of Education wants the best for students by closing schools, a lot can’t be accomplished by establishing closures across the country. A different approach must be met to help the education system. The budget crisis represents that the world of capitalism will do anything to find money by raiding the public education in pursuit of profit. With a proof of databases of students failing conducted by the Board of Ed., and schools lacking performance, gives the public facts of school
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