Stress in Todays College Students

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“The American Dream” primarily consists of homeownership, raising a family comfortably and investing in the future. To most, obtaining a college degree is viewed as a gateway to “the American Dream”. With a college education being the gateway, that many set out to get a college degree. However, it is not an easy task to achieve and does not come without its fair share of stress. The primary stress in the lives of today’s college students is caused by academic pressures, financial issues and their social lives. The major cause stress in college is the academic demands, particularly during the first year. It’s no secret that many college students spend most of their time on campus stressed out. Balancing classes, tests, projects, extra-curricular activities and work is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed (Driscoll, 2011). The workload of the freshman college student is a drastic change from the workload they experienced while in high school. The radical shift causes major distress for the students. Freshman students experience problems dealing with the academic independence of setting their class schedules and studying times. The stress is extended further as students have to deal with studying harder and for longer hours to prepare for rigorous exams. In addition, the students have to adjust to new and more precise writing styles and expectations required of college professors as opposed to high school teachers. The student’s inability to manage their time with their academics is the leading second cause of academic stress. If a student has never practiced effective time management, then it would be very difficult to apply them effectively during their freshman year of college. While freshman students have the most stress due to several new adjustments, there is stress on upperclassmen as well. College life has become a lot more competitive. It’s much harder

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