However, tragedies such as Sandy Hook give us even more of a reason why firearms shouldn’t be banned. A lethal criminal gunman sees a school as a weaponless haven full of vulnerable victims, making them the easiest places to perform their psychotic plans. I believe that some of these massacres could be prevented if places, such as schools, have a security guard who is armed and trained for these situations. In 2007, a gunman entered a Colorado church and shot and killed two girls. A former police officer who was volunteering at the church “drew her firearm, shot and wounded the gunman before he could kill anyone else,” as stated in Bennett’s article.
More gunfire will only escalate violence, which only leads to more violence. The controversy is still going on nationwide as to whether or not students should be allowed to carry guns on campus. No mom wants her son or daughter to be shot, much less while he or she is at school. Utah is the only state that allows carrying guns on nine public universities. Now more states are trying to push and pass the bill in Congress.
don’t you think a couple of minutes you’d spend on a line for metal detecting may save the life of another school mate or even yourself? Sometimes if you really think about it patience is the border between life and death. Have you noticed that the percentage of school shootings have decreased mightily over the years? They have but that does not mean it is not prone to happen again. One thing that I have read in the Daily News was that school shootings are the number one cause of student deaths in the United States and this is very sad.
Teachers vs. Guns On December 14, 2012 something tragic happened at the Sandy Hook elementary in Connecticut. The attacker killed twenty six people – twenty of which are age six to seven. If teachers had a gun or the right training and defense they might have had stopped the attacker from killing that many people. Teachers should be allowed to be armed because of the following reasons; it is quicker and more efficient then just waiting, teachers are also trying their best to keep it safe, and they have the right to carry guns.
One would be that they have started doing background checks and putting armed guards at schools. This article from the Providence Journal about how Rhode Island shows that they have been busy at work trying to enforce new laws; “Rhode Island is one of about 15 states that don’t submit mental-health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, according to Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The FBI’s system, known as NICS, is intended to screen out people prohibited from buying guns, such as convicted felons, undocumented immigrants and people with serious mental illnesses or substance-abuse problems. Rhode Island requires background checks for all gun sales. However, Rhode Island submits only criminal records to NICS, and none regarding mental health or substance abuse.” (Journal Staff, 2014).
Besides, there are several arguments proposed to carry guns for self-protections. However, if a shooting takes place, police will not be able to identify bad guys if everyone obtains a gun in his or her hand. For such reasons, firearms should be prohibited to protect college students, and to provide them a secured environment for education. First of all, carrying guns into universities and colleges will result in many serious consequences that affect the community in general and to students’ lives in particular. For example, at Virginia Tech University in 2007, a Korean student who concealed a gun and brought to school shot more than thirty students.
School and Safety: Are Guns Really the Answer? Gun control has been a very hot topic lately due to the publicity it’s been getting this last year or so. I put a lot of thought into this subject; I will admit I was on the fence about whether teachers should or should not have guns in school. After researching books, web forums, TV interviews, etc. I do think that it would be almost irresponsible for teachers to have guns.
Originally designed for combat in war, should these outrageously high-powered machines be made available to anyone who can afford them? Looking back on all of the horrific events of the last ten years with all of the public school shootings, university shootings, and assassination attempts, the numbers are terrifying. So many lives have been lost to crazy criminals coming into schools and shooting innocent children. People who get access to these high-powered guns are a liability to the rest of Americans. The parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School were not thinking anything horrific would happen to their children when they dropped them off that morning.
He then remembered his dad had one locked away in his room, he took it then join up with a gang. 2-3 months later I got news that he was involved in a gang related shooting and died. Incidents like this one show why we need to gun control so that we prevent things like this happening. *In conclusion, going against gun control is not right. But by changing *your* thought to be for gun control you are making the right choice and by making the right choice *you will make* great*er outcomes for the safety of others in our
In another case occurring at Santa High School in Santee, California in 2001. A group of children who’s parents were officers, grabbed their parents guns out of their cars in order to halt a shooting until the police on duty showed up. My opinion on gun availability to children/young adults for purposes other than what guns are intended; hunting, police,etc., is that when they have a disagreement with another party, their anger may entice them to grab a gun and shoot. Now these kids are on the other end of the law, criminals instead of law abiding citizens. No person except for the military should be allowed machine guns.