Shc Promote Professional Development

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SCHC 52 – Promote professional development 1.1. Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and Practice. “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is fundamental to the Development of all health and social care practitioners, and is the mechanism through Which high quality patient and client care is identified, maintained and developed” (RCN Joint Collaborative Position Statement, February 2007) For people to grow and develop in their profession improving knowledge and practice Is imperative and can only benefit everyone. Fundamentally continuing professional Development impacts the service you deliver and is a lifelong process It is a continuous process and allows individuals to develop and grow whilst Highlighting areas that are both weak and strong. Professional development is a key Element in any organization, and as a process can be planned, therefore tracking and Evidencing what individuals have done and what is required. This simply increases And improves the capabilities of everyone and expands staff’s experiences and Education. For childcare providers, ongoing professional development is important. It keeps us up to date with legislation and advances in care. It improves our skills and practice which in turn has a positive effect on the development of the young people in our care. It provides us with a deeper understanding of our job role, improving our self-esteem. I believe that professional development builds on what we already know, and what may not seem useful at the time, will help us in situations further along the line. The importance of staff professional development is due to the fact people are Working in an environment where ideas, protocols are always moving and changing. Whether it is new methods, products, legislation, this all translates into maintaining high standards. Updating and moving with new

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