Relationship Between the It Department and Other Departments

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Relationship between the IT department and other departments. Communication is considered as one of the most important factors that helps an organization to be efficient and productive. One of the most important and crucial parts of communication is inter departmental communication. The importance of information and communication technology has become apparent. Information and communication technology help the organization to carry on the business without any breaks and there by leads the organization to achieve an efficient flow of information throughout the departments. * Trust When the communication between organization are efficient and effective, it builds uo trust among the departments that are available within the organization. When the departments trust each other, accurate and timely information can be delivered in order to improve organizational performance. * Customer services When the information and communication system between the organization is weak, poor customer relations will be a negative outcome. * Efficiency If the information and communication technology of the organization is efficient there possibility of each and every department working together as one would be highly probable. For example, due to the lack of information and communication between the sales and manufacturing department, the manufacturing department will be unaware of the increase in demand as a result the organization will lose business. But if the department is functioning properly misinformation between departments would not occur. * Conflict A break down in the system at any point will lead to conflicts among departments. This will cause a downfall in the organizations overall performance and thereby it will lead to a decline in the organizational efficiency and effectiveness. As per study, when considering about the relationship that exists

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