Psy 270 Depression Research Paper

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Depression Paper University of Phoenix Psy 270 unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are two mood disorders that are characterized by both having depression involved. Depression is a when a person suffers from a low sad state and usually exhibits significant levels of sadness, lack of energy, guilt, or related symptoms. Other than the common ground for depression there are many differences between the two. Unipolar depression is the mood disorder where only depression is present. Bipolar disorder not only has the presence of depression but shows instances of mania as well. Mania is the polar opposite of depression. It is a state or episode of euphoria or…show more content…
Genetic factors show that those with unipolar depression are more capable of passing the trait down to a relative than someone without it. Biochemicals factors have an effect as well. Low activity of two neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and serotonin, has been shown to be a strong factor of unipolar depression. The bodies endocrine system plays a role as well. Those with unipolar depression have been found to have high or abnormal levels of the hormone cortisol that is normally released throughout the body during times of stress. Possible treatments for these factors include electroconvulsive therapy, and antidepressant drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), tricyclics, and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (Comer,…show more content…
It is suggested that low activity levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin may be a cause towards the mood disorder as well as permitting the activity of additional neurotransmitters that can either cause depression or mania. Sodium and potassium ions in neurons interact with other to send messages to other neurons. It is believed that improper transport of these ions could cause ions to either fire to easily which results in mania or resists firing which leads to depression. As with unipolar depression, it is theorized that people inherit biological traits that lead to the disorder. Families with the disorder have been studied to see if it has been passed on through the bloodline. The findings however have been flawed and no substantial evidence has been found
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