Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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Unit 4: Principles of Safeguarding and protection in health and social care 1. Know how to recognise signs of abuse. Physical abuse is the act of causing feelings of physical pain, injury and any other form of physical harm. Forms of Physical abuse include striking, punching, misuse of medication, pushing, pulling cutting, biting and exposure to heat and cold. Physical abuse can result in psychological distress such as depression, emotional distress and even thoughts of suicide. Signs of physical abuse include bruises, grab marks, burns, cuts, depression, swelling and injuries that doesn't fit the explanation. Sexual abuse (Molestation) is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. According to research, people with disabilities are at greater risk of victimization of sexual abuse due to a lack of understanding. Even though the number of cases are high, a lot will go unnoticed this is because of a number of factors including not being able to communicate effectively, lack of education or understanding regarding sex and being socially isolated and not having a way of telling someone other than the abuser in confidence. Signs of sexual abuse are rectal or vaginal bleeding, change of appearance, physical injuries, STI'S self harming, depression, thoughts and attempts of suicide, bruising, soreness around genitals, loss of sleep and aversion to physical contact. Forms of Psychological or emotional abuse include threats of physical abuse or abandonment, being deprived of social or any other form of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse and being prevented from receiving services or support. It is rare for someone to suffer psychological abuse on its own. It is often linked to financial abuse. Psychological abuse can have negative effects on a persons mental health and leave
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