Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

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Unit 5 – Principles of safeguarding in Health and Social Care 1. Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse: Is one or more episodes of aggressive behaviour, usually resisting in physical injury with possible damage to internal organs and the central nervous system. Sexual abuse: The forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another. Emotional/Psychological abuse: Is a form of abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behaviour that may result in psychological trauma, anxiety and depression. Financial abuse: Taking money without the persons consent or without the appropriate legal authority. Institutional abuse: May take the form of isolated incidents of poor or unprofessional practice. Self-neglect: Can be a result of any mental/physical illness which has an effect on the person’s physical abilities. Neglected by others: Passive form of abuse in which the carer is responsible to provide care for a victim who is unable to care for their self’s. 2. Identify the signs/symptoms associated with each type of abuse: Physical abuse: Series of unexplained falls or major injuries, Injuries/bruises at different Stages of healing, Bruising in unusual sites e.g. inner arms, thighs, Abrasions, Teeth indentations, Injuries to head or face, Client very passive. Sexual abuse: Change in behaviour, overt sexual behaviour or language, Difficulty in Walking, sitting, Injuries to genital and/or anal area. Emotional/psychological: Withdrawal, depression, Cowering and fearfulness, Change in sleep Patterns, Agitation, confusion, change in behaviour also Change in appetite/weight. Financial: Unpaid bills. Basic needs not being met, lack of cash on day to day Basis. Institutional abuse: Inability to make choices or decisions, Agitation if routine broken, Disorientation. Patterns of challenging
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