• Physical abuse. The use of force which results in pain or injury or a change in a person’s natural physical state or the non-accidental infliction of physical force that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment. • Sexual abuse. This is the involvement of a person in sexual activities which the person has NOT consented to, could NOT consent to it or Pressured into consenting. Types of sexual abuse are rape, sexual assault, touching and fondling, offensive or inappropriate language or involving an individual in the making and/or showing of pornography.
It can include rape, sexual assault, unwanted sexual acts, sexual acts with a person unable to give consent, subject to teasing or indecent exposure and innuendos. Signs of sexual abuse can be visual and also behavioural. This could include bruising around the genital area, scratches and abrasions, infections in the anal and genitals region, pregnancy, urine infections, blood in underwear, torn underwear. Behavioural may include unexpected or change in normal behaviour, unable to sleep, fear, depression, self-harming, substance misuse, refusal to undress, or shower. Emotional/psychological abuse this is usually linked to other abuse as all types of abuse causes emotional abuse in most people.
PRINCIPLES OF SAFEGUARDING AND PROTECTION IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit 204 1.1&1.2 Physical Abuse: Physical abuse is any intentional or unwanted contact with you or another person, this may include hitting or shaking someone, poisoning, burning someone or even using an object that could cause harm to an individuall. Signs and symptoms of physical abuse can be visible signs such as bruises and cuts or burns on the body or it could be broken bones and open wounds. Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is when any sexual activity is forced upon an individual without consent or made to participate or watch sexual activity. Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse could include injuries to or near the genital areas or bleeding or even a sexually transmitted infection can be a sign of inappropriate sexual behaviour. Emotional and psychological abuse: Emotional and psychological abuse is when physical abuse is being made or even threats these can have a big impact.
Inappropriate touching, fondling, indecent exposure, penetration of vagina or anus by penis, fingers or other objects. Unwanted exposure to pornography or sexual acts. Psychological abuse includes emotional abuse, treats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation, or withdrawal form services or supportive networks, withholding affection, shouting, depriving the person of the right to choice, information and privacy. Behaviour that has a harmful effect on the vulnerable adult’s emotional health and development. Financial abuse includes theft, fraud, exploitation and pressure in connection with wills, property, financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possession or benefits.
Depression is a common consequence of being physically abused as the service user is normally too scared or vulnerable to speak up and ask for help. This then leads to them feeling lonely and worthless. Sexual abuse is a term used to describe being forced into sexual activities against your will. A service user could be sexually abused by being made to touch others intimately against their will, being touched intimately against their will and undressing or having sex with an individual against their will. Bruises in intimate areas, unexplained genital bleeding, sexually transmitted infections and even pregnancy are all common signs of sexual abuse.
The person may lose all their confidence and feel anxious and upset. Financial This is taking someone's money either knowingly or stealing for their own ends. The signs can be unexplained bank withdrawels and activity. Reluctance by the person in charge of the money to buy food or pay bills. Institutional This is can take place in someone's home, a nursing/residential home, supported living
· Sexual abuse- By touching someone in an inappropriate way i.e. the genital area, making unwanted advances to a person, by indecently exposing one’s self. Being for to participate in sexual acts or even rape, are all types of sexual abuse. · Emotional/psychological abuse- By intimidating someone or not involving them in things, or ignoring them and giving threats or bullying, humiliating and blaming an individual for things, are all types of abuse. · Financial abuse – Using an individual’s money without their permission or buying items they do not want or have not requested.
Signs can be; A heightened sense of fear and anxiety around a person. Low self esteem Possible STD infection Inappropriate sexual behavior to others An interest in sex that is not in line with the age of the person. Fear of being with a certain sex. Emotional/psychological Abuse Many forms of abuse are obviously cruel. Emotional abuse is more subtle.
Unexplained hair loss, significant weight loss, cowering or flinching. Feeling low, in pain or angry. Sexual abuse: Forcing an individual to behave in inappropriate sexual behaviour or take part in sexual activities these can include non penetrative as well as penetrative sexual acts and also forcing an individual to view inappropriate sexual material. Signs and symptoms include being withdrawn and fearful, disturbed sleep patterns, inappropriate dressing, genital infections, bruising around breasts or genitals, unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding, torn or stained underwear. Emotional/psychological abuse: Verbally abusing and swearing, threatening or invoking fear in an individual, devaluing self esteem causing feelings of worthlessness, bullying and exploitation.
Sexual: Sexual abuse is when a person is forced or tricked into taking part in any kind of sexual activity. When sexual contact is non-con-sensual it is abuse. . It can happen to men and women of any age that is both old and young. It can include sexual penetration of any part of the body with a penis, finger or any object, sexual exploitation, making threats about sexual activities, exposure to pornographic material, touching of breast or genitals, kissing, etc Signs & Symptoms; bruises around breasts or genitals, genital infections, unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding, torn, stained, or bloody underwear, disturbed sleep patterns, vulnerable adult appears withdrawn and fearful, inappropriate dressing, etc Emotional/Psychological: is where one person gains power and control over another through words and gestures which gradually undermine the other’s self-respect.