Emotional/psychological abuse, this could be bullying, threatening behaviour, lowering self esteem, exploitation, verbal abuse and swearing. Financial Abuse, this could be theft of money or valuables, misappropriate use of a person's finances and denying access to a person's finances. Institutional Abuse, this could be the misuse of authority over a vulnerable person in a health and social care setting, failure to maintain professional boundaries, inappropriate use of medication, physical restraint, and lack of privacy, humiliation and bullying. Self-neglect, this could be self-harming behaviour like refusing to eat or drink, neglecting personal hygiene or toilet needs and actual body harm like cutting oneself. Neglect by others, this could be not taking care of the basic needs of an individual like toileting, washing, feeding and personal care.
• Institutional abuse - this is where the institution has imposed procedures that do not conform to the individuals support plans and is not suited to them. • Self neglect - is when the person does not value the self's in society and the basic needs are not meet. • Neglect by others - Is when the individuals support needs are not meet that are not set down in their care plans and support plans. 1.2 The signs and symptoms for each type of abuse and be hidden or obvious all depends on the individual and the abuser, here are possible symptoms or signs associated with abuse:- Financial - the individual may be over protective with finances, missing belongs, missing receipts and unaccountable bank transactions and statements. Physical abuse - there may be a change in their personality, very jumpy and unexpected injuries.
The symptoms can include overly sexualised behaviour, self harm, anxiety, depression, urinary infections, or being withdrawn when in social settings. Emotional Abuse: When a person is subject to abuse in the form of name calling, insults, bullying and general mistreatment that would affect their emotional wellbeing. People who experience emotional abuse can become withdrawn, have a low self worth, loss of trust, and depression. Financial Abuse: When a person abuses another person for monetary gain. Things that can constitute as financial abuse are stealing, borrowing money or property without the person’s knowledge or permission, and denying access to a person’s finances.
Change in behaviour. Emotional/Psychological Abuse: To speak or treat a person in a way that causes them distress or emotional pain. To ignore a person to cause them upset. Signs of this can be change in behaviour, become withdrawn. Financial Abuse: To take money or possessions from a person without their consent.
Unit 4: Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care. Unit 4 1.1-1.2 Physical abuse: Physical abuse is when someone deliberately hurts or injures someone. Physical abuse can take many forms. Physical abuse can make you feel frightened and anxious, depressed and sad, unable to sleep and concentrate. Signs and symptom of physical abuse: cuts and grazes Hitting and kicking Pain and marks Burns and bruises Giving medication that may harm withdrawal from daily activities and social contact Disciplining in an inappropriate way Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is when a vulnerable adult pressurized or forced to taking part into any sexual activities.
Outcome 1 Know how to recognize signs of abuse. 1. 1 &.1.2 Define the following types of abuse and identify the signs and/or symptoms associate with each type of abuse. Physical abuse This is any form of harm caused to the body. Bruises, finger marks, fractures, dislocations, scratches, cuts, pressure sores, black eyes, scalds, cigarette burns, history of unexplained injuries, accidental overdose, poisoning, deterioration in health, weight loss, soiled clothing/bedding, inappropriate clothing, mood changes, not wanting to be alone with certain individuals.
Unit 205 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care (HSC 024) Outcome 1 1.1 Know how to recognise signs of abuse. There are many types of abuse and they can be recognised as follows. * Physical abuse: This is when physical force is used that results in bodily injury pain or impairment. Victims may have experienced inappropriate contact or improper use of treatments experienced being confined or isolated against their will or even improper use of medicine. * Sexual abuse: This is when the victim has not given consent to a sexual activity, or does not have the understanding or ability to refuse consent also they might feel forced by another person because of their authority of over them.
Unit 5 1.1 Physical abuse Physical abuse involving contact planned to cause bodily harm, feelings of intimidation, other physical suffering or injury • Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is the forcing of undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another • Emotional/psychological abuse Emotional/psychological abuse may involve threats or actions to cause mental or physical harm; humiliation; violation • Financial abuse Financial abuse is the illegal or unauthorized use of a person’s money, property, pension book or other valuables. • Institutional abuse Institutional abuse involves failure of an organization to provide appropriate and professional individual services to vulnerable people. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behavior that amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, stereotyping and rigid systems. • Self neglect Self-neglect is a behavioral condition in which an individual neglects to attend to their basic needs, such as personal hygiene, feeding, clothing, or medical conditions they might have. • Neglect by others Neglect is a passive form of abuse in which the wrongdoer is responsible to provide care, for someone, who is unable to care for oneself, but fails to provide adequate care to meet their needs.
Emotional/Psychological Abuse Emotional/Psychological abuse is causing anguish, pain or distress through verbal or non-verbal acts, such as; verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation and harassment. It can also be treating an older person like an infant, stopping an elderly person seeing their family, friends or doing regular activities. Financial Abuse Financial abuse is the illegal or improper use of someone’s funds, property or assets. Example of this is; cashing someone cheques without permission, forging someone’s signature and misusing or stealing another persons money or possessions. Institutional Abuse Institutional abuse is the failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to vulnerable people.
Emotional/psychological abuse Is any act of abuse, in any abuse situation the victim is caused both emotional and psychological distress. Therefore abuse of any kind will fall into this category. For example: Bullying, swearing, intimidation, verbal abuse, threats, controlling, deprivation of privacy, coercion. ? Financial abuse Is an act of one person/people against another involving the procuring of financial gain from that person.