Priciples of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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Unit 4-Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care. There are several different types of abuse; physical Abuse, this could be hitting, shaking, and biting, scalding, force feeding or any other physical harm to a person. Sexual Abuse, this could be forcing an individual to be part of a sexual activity or behaving in a sexual inappropriate way. Penetrative acts or non-penetrative acts and viewing inappropriate sexual activity on the internet are all types of sexual abuse. Emotional/psychological abuse, this could be bullying, threatening behaviour, lowering self esteem, exploitation, verbal abuse and swearing. Financial Abuse, this could be theft of money or valuables, misappropriate use of a person's finances and denying access to a person's finances. Institutional Abuse, this could be the misuse of authority over a vulnerable person in a health and social care setting, failure to maintain professional boundaries, inappropriate use of medication, physical restraint, and lack of privacy, humiliation and bullying. Self-neglect, this could be self-harming behaviour like refusing to eat or drink, neglecting personal hygiene or toilet needs and actual body harm like cutting oneself. Neglect by others, this could be not taking care of the basic needs of an individual like toileting, washing, feeding and personal care. Physical abuse signs can be bruises, bite marks, burn marks and changes in behaviour. Sexual abuse signs can be disturbing behaviour like self-harming, inappropriate sexual behaviour, depression, low self esteem and inability to form relationships. Emotional/psychological abuse can be withdrawn, loss of self esteem and self confidence. Financial abuse can be insecurity, loss of trust, fearful and disappearance of possessions. Institutional abuse can be loss of confidence, loss of self esteem, loss of control and a submissive
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