The Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

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The Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Care Safeguarding and protection in health and social care is any type of work or activity which aims to support vulnerable adults to retain independence, well-being and choice and to be able to live a life free from abuse and neglect. It is about preventing abuse or neglect and promoting good practice. If is abuse is suspected or alleged then Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults can be used by organisations and services. A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18 who is or may need community care services by reason of mental health or other disability, age or illness. Also if they are unable to take care of themselves or cannot protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation. This means that some adults are less able to protect themselves as they may have difficulty expressing themselves, creating an easy target to an abuser. Abuse is defined as a ‘violation of an individuals human and civil rights by any other person or persons’. There are many different types of abuse: Physical Abuse - an act of another person or persons involving contact intended to cause the feeling of physical injur, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Sexual Abuse - an assault of a sexual nature on another person, or any sexual act in which a person is threatened, coerced, or forced to engage again their will, or any sexual touching of a person who has not consented. Psychological Abuse - also referred to as emotional abuse or mental abuse, a form of abuse characterised by a person subjecting or exposing another to behaviour that may result in psychological trauma including anxiety, chronic depression or pos traumatic stress disorder. Institutional Abuse - can typically occur in a care/nursing home, hospital or an in-patient setting and can include any of the following, discriminatory abuse, financial
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