Unit 4222-205 Outcome 1

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Unit 4222-205 Principles of Safeguarding and protection in health and social care (HSC 024) Physical Abuse Physical abuse can be defined as an act by an individual or group involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Actions could be physical such as hitting, pinching or kicking or it could be not giving a person their correct dosage of medicine, or enough to eat and drink. Physical abuse also covers such things as not allowing someone enough sleep, and subjecting them to cold or heat. Signs The most obvious sign that someone is being physically abused is bruises and cuts. Some other signs are less obvious, but can include weight loss. It is important that medication is checked on a regular basis to ensure that the correct dosages are being given as this could indicate that the client is not receiving the correct dosages. All bruises should be recorded, and it is important to note not only the position of the bruise, but also the colour. If the colour of the bruise does not change, this could be an indication that the abuser is hitting the person in the same place every time. Another sign may be that a client will flinch when a certain carer goes near them. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse can also be referred to as molestation, and is the forcing of undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another. It can take several different forms including:     Being touched in an intimate area when you do not want to be. Being made to touch others in intimate areas when you do not want to. Having any type of sex when you don’t want to. Being made to watch or say sexual things when you don’t want to. Signs Sexual abuse can be harder to spot than physical abuse due to its nature. Some signs that can show that abuse has taken place could be bruising around the genital region. It is also
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