Persuasive Letter To Gmo

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Dear Senator, In less than two decades, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have replaced our diet with genetically ajusted foods, which can affect human health. GMOs are resistant to pesticides, and is created by splicing genes that are combined through genetic engineering, smething nature cant do instantly. Consuming these genetically, processed foods can lead to increased risk of diseases and even cancer. Most of the time we do not realize that we are eating these harmful toxins as they are infused in our food without our knowledge. While traditional farming choose to grow organic produce and struggle to keep their businesses alive. In Jeffrey M. Smith book, Genetic Roulette the intro talks about the experements they had with animals and the GMO foods. Many of the animals organs were becoming defecting or mutated over time. After looking at the results, animals that consume the modifications continusly it can lead to serious health risks. In addition the animal’s lifespan was shortened and their offspring a lower chance of survival. If this were any indication as to how humans will be affected after long-term exposure to GMOs, then I would not want to eat something that could harm my bodily organs, endanger my life and the lives of others. As shocking as the statistics about animals are, there are potential chances of disease and cancerous…show more content…
Foods that are grown organically have shown to be beneficial for our bodies and are not combined with chemicals which dilute their effectiveness. Nature is a way of life, something that is not to be manipulated or changed. Organic farmers are an excellent example of people who decided to work with nature, rather than against it. Purchasing food that is grown locally and without the use of GMOs, we can preserve the business/es that still choose to grow their food the natural way while also increasing our lifespan and overall

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