Organic vs Inorganic

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Organic Vs. Processed Organic food has come a long way, but for what? All those labels saying, pure, organic, no chemicals, the list goes on and on. Organic food versus processed has been a big dispute because people are so “brain washed” they think they can just believe what they are told and what they read. Through my research, I will prove that organic food is just like any other food. No research has shown that organic food is healthier for you than non-organic food. The definition of organic food is, “Food prepared and processed without using any chemicals, that is organic food production does not involve the use of chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, chemical preservatives, etc. (Dictionary). The FDA and USDA clearly state that organic foods are no healthier for you than processed food (Organic Foods FAQ). Throughout my research I have found many pros and cons, between organic foods Pros of organic food: It can help in the preservation and conservation of the natural environment. By buying food that isn’t produced and harvested using chemicals, organic decrease their usage. Another benefit is, through organic farming it decreases the amount of chemicals in the production cycle, and therefore it helps to support biodiversity. It encourages a wider range for plants and animals, this leads to a healthier eco system (Johnston). People who farm produce that isn’t organic use many chemicals and pesticides without care, and they let it soak into the soil and the air. It is making animals leave the area, and it doesn’t allow plants to grow back (Jhonston).One other benefit, is when organic foods does not contain hydrogenated fats, in which processed foods do contain this fat (Johnston). Hydrogenated fat actually causes an increase in people’s chances of heart disease and heart attacks (Thorn). Cons of organic: Due to the lack of artificial preservatives
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