Genetically Modified Organisms vs. Organic

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Genetically Modified Organisms vs. Organic Consumers in America are not given a choice to allow or stop their food from being genetically modified. The food companies do not label their foods GM Product so when consumers buy their food, they don’t know that their foods are genetically modified. Americans are not informed about genetically modified foods and do not know the risks and benefits. Genetically modifying foods all started with the discovery of Agrobaacterium tumefaciens in the1970s. It is a soil microbe that was used to put foreign genes into plants and made it possible to improve crops. At this time, some animals were also starting to have their genes modified in a similar way. In the 1990s, people who knew about GM foods wanted it to be regulated. They argued that the food is changed and should be treated as a food additive so they should be regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). At this time, there are still a lot of things unknown about GMOs and how it affects humans and the environment and going organic is the best option right now. Genetically modifying our food does have its advantages. The human population relies on food. If there is less food, the population declines, if there is more food, the population grows. This has happened throughout history. Take for example the hunger problem in Africa right now. Genetically modifying our food will increase the food supply needed to sustain the growing population of this planet. The food that is made from genetically engineered crops will be a better quality than traditional farming. Scientists can modify foods to be healthier, adding fats, proteins and sugars to plants so that consumers with a limited income can have a healthy diet. Genetically modifying organisms will benefit the environment too. With traditional farming, farmers spray their crops with herbicides and insecticides around 4

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