P2. Describe the Main Employability, Personal and Communication Skills Required When Applying for a Specific Job Role

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P2. DESCRIBE THE MAIN EMPLOYABILITY, PERSONAL AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS REQUIRED WHEN APPLYING FOR A SPECIFIC JOB ROLE. JENNIFER SMITH 20353378 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS | PERSONAL SKILLS | COMMUNICATION SKILLS | Employability skills is the different kind of skills that someone poses that makes him or her to be able to person different kinds of jobs well. These skills are what makes a person attracted to an employer. For employers, selecting the right candidates means identifying people with the right skills and quality that can help in the organisations success. Examples of employability skills; | Personal skills are the transferable skills that an individual posses that makes them attractive to new employers. Good personal skills are important when applying for job roles in Tesco. Good personal skills enables candidates to work well in a team, satisfy customers and also negotiate well with them, and also work effectively with other employers. This leads to a better working environment. Example of personal skills; | Communication skills are skills that allows individuals to send or receive information which is well understood without any misinterpretations. Communication skills is important in every in Tesco. Tesco makes sure they build their communication skills on good grounds and employees use formal communication when working. good communication skills has improved their business in different ways and has made Tesco one of the successful companies | Suitable qualifications; this is the educational qualities that a person posses that makes him/her suitable for the job role available. Example, applying to be a customer assistant in Tesco would require GCSE or a diploma results. A person cannot apply for a manager position with GCSE results. Manager position would require a degree or master

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