Outline the Policies and Procedures That Should Be Followed in Response to Concerns or Evidence of Bullying and Explain the Reasons Why They Are in Place

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CYP Core 33 5.2 Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place The Department of Education is clear that no form of bullying should be tolerated. The current anti-bullying guidance for schools is ‘Safe to Learn: embedding anti-bullying work in schools’. We strongly abide by the anti-bullying policy. Everyone has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy. Bullying of any sort stops members of the setting from being able to achieve their full potential and prevents equality of opportunity. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone it is unacceptable and should not be tolerated which is why anti-bullying policies and procedures are in place, to protect all. The following steps should be taken when dealing with incidents: * If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with initially by the child’s keyworker or adult on duty. The incident will be treated as an urgent priority. * A clear account of the incident will be recorded and given to the line manager. * The keyworker or/and the line manager will talk with all concerned at a level the children will understand and will formally record the incident in the Incident Book. * Parents/carers will be invited in to discuss what has happened and what will happen next. * Each child must be given an opportunity to talk and the discussion should remain focussed on finding a solution to the problem and stopping the bullying from recurring * The adult will try to remain neutral and deliberately avoid direct closed questioning which may be interpreted as interrogatory or accusatory. Pupils who have been bullied are supported by: * Offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with their keyworker or line manager, or with another member of staff with whom they

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