Nvq 3 - Teaching Assistant

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Describe how you might react to incidents of bullying and violence? All signs of bullying or violence should be taken seriously, reported and logged with the teacher or other school staff. It is also essential to act upon this behaviour quickly and correctly to minimize the possibility of it happening again in the future. The schools policies and rules are regularly reinforced by the school staff to the children in their classrooms, in assemblies and around the school. During Anti-bullying week the school will have special assemblies to demonstrate the types of bullying and how children can report this behaviour. As a Teaching Assistant I should be seen to be approachable to speak to about any concerns that the children may have, that these discussions are confidential and that they will receive support, guidance and protection from all parties involved in bullying and violence. Bullying comes in different forms such as: • Verbal – this is when someone is called names, threatened and made to feel bad • Physical – this is when someone is hit, punched, pushed or have their personal items stolen and any other kind of physical, aggressive contact. • Social - Social bullying is when someone is left out of games, deliberately ignored and has bad things spread about them and made to feel like an outsider. • Psychological / Mental – this is when someone is intimidated and stalked • Cyber – In this technological age Cyber Bullying has become a problem. This type of bullying can be chat rooms, online, instant messaging, emails, on a mobile phone or computers None of the above are acceptable behaviour. Creating a ‘telling environment’ All schools aim to have a telling environment. I would aim to develop this by demonstrating that I understand bullying behaviour and am committed to stopping the behaviour. There are a many reasons why pupils will not tell as they
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