According to our text corporal punishment is the gratuitous intentional inflectional of pain on children’s bodies for the purpose of modifying behavior. When a child is being discipline it does not always have to be physical. Sometimes all it takes is for you to say their name, or speak firm to them. Some children have a history of being spanked for no reason so when they get out of the situation and get into a better one all it takes is for them to hear you raise your voice and they know. I also believe that taking things away from them is a great way of showing them that they must do what they are told.
A parent should first explain to their child what he/she did wrong. The parents should caution their child, if they follow to do this then they would receive a spanking. Only when the child ignores the cautions, that parent should spank. After the parent has finished, the parent needs to let the child know that he still loves him. Spanking a child while angry only defeats its purpose.
Discipline is an activity that takes place in the moment but always for the sake of later. Simply meaning that if the child is spanked now for something he or she did wrong. Then later down the road when they go to do the same thing they will remember what happened the first time they did wrong and will of course know the consequences of doing wrong. Proverbs 23:13-14 do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If strike him with the rod, it will save his soul from hell.
I believe that there is no right or wrong way to discipline a child, but there is a right and wrong way to behave. Some children do not need as much discipline as the next child. It is the parent’s job to access what their child needs. I believe in spanking my children in the respect I was, along with
If society has values set in place, it has to be for a reason. The reason would be wasted if we decide not to install them into the youth of today. How do you feel about cheating? It is universal that it is wrong, but if its not enforced on the children and explained how morally and ethically wrong it is. Will they ever know that forcing yourself sexually on another person is right or wrong?
Corporal Punishment PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Is corporal punishment needed to discipline children? Some would argue that corporal punishment is needed to discipline child where others will argue that it is not needed. Forty years ago it was acceptable to punish your child as you saw fit. The problem became that some would take this punishment to a whole other level and hurt the child. Punishing your child for their bad behavior should never cause them physical or mental damage.
PSY 201-014 March 12, 2014 Option A Many people believe hitting your child in anyway is wrong and should not be done. They believe parents can find alternative ways to punish their children for their wrongdoings. I believe best way to get somebody to not do something is to give that person a reason to not do it again. Spanking is a perfect example of this concept. Spanking can be described as a form of positive punishment.
Parents use discipline to teach their children the difference between right and wrong. The type of discipline parents use is entirely up to them but, "ninety percent of parents say that they have used [spanking] as a mean of discipline on their child, and most parents say that it was used on them when they were youngsters" (James). Spanking is a form of discipline that has been used by many parents; but it is now becoming the method that is being frowned upon by most doctors and many parents. "The American Academy of Pediatricians say that spanking might actually do more harm than good"(Eisenhauer), meaning that the spanking will not correct the problems that the child has, but only make them worse. In some countries around the globe, such as Norway and Sweden, elected officials have made it totally illegal for parents to spank their child.
It is surely wrong and unfair to punish a child for responding in a natural way to having important needs neglected. For this reason, punishment is not only ineffective in the long run, it is also clearly unjust. 3. Punishment distracts the child from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. As the educator John Holt wrote, "When we make a child afraid, we stop learning dead in its tracks."
There are many different ways to discipline children. Physical discipline is not the best option. Spanking children is ineffective because it teaches violence, leads to abuse, and there are better forms of discipline. A person should never have to resort to spanking their children. Spanking, without a doubt teaches violence.