No More Summer Vacations

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No More Summer Vacations Children in America are attending to school for ten months. This system was created when America was still a rural country where children worked in the fields during the summer. Nowadays, children get three months of vacations and are at risk of losing what they learned in school. Year-round school brings to students the possibility to attend school the whole year, studying forty-five days and taking breaks of fifteen days. However, this topic has created an atmosphere of debate in our society about children’s improvement in school and the future of our country. The two main reasons why year-round school should be implemented are students tend to forget a lot during the summer and the competitiveness of the U.S around the world. One reason that children should attend year-round school is because they forget a lot of what they learned during school. When summer vacations come, most of the children toss aside the books and notebooks to go outside and enjoy the summer watching television, playing videogames, playing in the backyard with friends. Consequently, they forget almost everything of what they learned and suffer when school starts again in September. The largest benefit academically of year-round school would be for students with lower scores as well as A students. Students with lower scores could increase their skills with more instructional time and smartest students could take advantage of studying required courses and preparing their way to university. Thus, year-round school brings many benefits for student development of American children. Another reason that American students should attend year-round is because it could make the United States more competitive around the world. Other countries, such as Japan, use the year-round school system. As a result, Japanese children promise an excellent future leading their country

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