Kudler Fine Foods Case Analysis Paper

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Kudler Fine Foods: A Case Analysis Amanda Jones ACC/542 May 19, 2014 Milan Kudler Fine Foods Kathy Kudler is the founder of Kudler Fine Foods, which is a gourmet food store located in California. She opened her first store on June 18, 1998 and within nine months; the stores were at break-even and were profitable for the year. A few years later, she opened two more stores, which are all located in the San Diego metropolitan area. The business is steadily growing and, as a result, its needs are constantly changing. Kathy is well aware that Information technology is essential for the success of her business operations and has requested an information system that would efficiently and effectively improve Kudler Fine Foods and its accounting…show more content…
Managers should manage the supply chain efficiently and employees should track as many items as possible while knowing the availability. In addition, some of Kudler’s other needs include payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, capital assets, inventory, purchasing, general ledger, point of service transactions, bank reconciliations, and security. Strength and weaknesses Currently, Kudler uses a comprehensive Retail Enterprise Management System (REMS) to run their business. REMS contains different modules, which includes both finance and accounting. Microsoft designs the software and it provides a complete point of sale (POS) solution that enables Kudler to meet unique requirements (Microsoft Dynamics, 2014). The current computer system requires Kudler to do many manual tasks, which can be costly due to the time it takes manually to document and reproduce company data. The system is not connected to a network so each of Kudler’s location has to update the information manually. All three locations exist and operate as a separate entity; therefore accessing data from one another becomes far too…show more content…
There is difficulty in determining forecast turning points that are, from increasing to decreasing sales. Opportunities and suggestions The opportunities that Kudler has in terms of technology include improved loyalty and profitability of customers, which results from various marketing strategies. Another opportunity for Kudler involves customer purchase behavior patterns. These patterns are recognized through the current system and would help Kudler refine its processes and offerings to best satisfy its valued customers. It is vital for Kudler to continue reviewing and improving its information system to ensure its appropriateness to the changing characteristics and needs of its customers. More focus should be placed on forecasting techniques to ensure that there would be a match between what the company offers and what the customers need. The best decision may be to use a combination of methods to forecast sales rather than just one (Payne, 2012). Once the manager accepts the process, they must see to it that it is logical, it fits the needs of the organization, and it can adapt to changes in the environment. Threats and
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