Kudler Fine Foods Marketing Strategy And Analysis

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Kudler Fine Foods Kudler Fine Foods is an upscale specialty food store located in the San Diego metropolitan area. Kudler currently operates out of three locations La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas (Kudler Virtual Organization, 2005). This paper will go over the purpose and importance of marketing research and the development of Kudler Fine Food’s marketing strategy and tactics. The author then will identify area in which additional market research is needed. Finally, the author will analyze the importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in regards to further development of Kudler Fine Food’s marketing strategy and tactics. Marketing Objectives Kudler Fine Food’s operates multiple locations in the Greater San Diego area. Each…show more content…
By using these an example this will allow Kudlers to properly train employees in customer service. Kudlers plans to spend $91,715 on new software to improve their current training plan. Kudlers has also started a budget for new customer relationship management system (CRM). Importance of Marketing Research Kudlers plans to increase their customer loyalty by offering high-margin services. Kudlers plans to do this by better understanding the customer needs, this can be obtained by tracking the purchases of the current cliental. Once Kudlers knows what products are purchased more often, the company can purchase these product in bigger quantities allowing the company to offer these goods at a cheaper price. Once the prices drop this should bring the loyal customers back more often. Strategies and…show more content…
First Kudler has limited competition, yet it is still good to keep up on what the competition is doing to get customers. This information can be encountered through the competitions website or even a blogs sites such as Yelp. The reason this information is important to Kudler, is knowing what the competition is up to can keep Kudler ahead of the competition. Conclusion Kudler Fine Foods has been operating and is still looking to expand. This company carries unique products with little competition. Kudler is trying to get to know their customers. The way Kudlers is doing this is the company is starting a loyal customer program. Kudlers is taking in the information provided by these customers. This information is then combined with the produce the customers purchased. The purpose behind this is to always, have what loyal customers want on hand at the Kudler locations. Kudlers is also looking into holding classes in teaching these customers about the products they carry. The use of demographics and Psychographic were explained in how they help in business planning. Demographics and Psychographic, both help explain the customer in general, and what he or she is looking for in the business. The importance of completive intelligence was explained. Knowing what the competitor is offering and how to find this information out is important to any

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