Bsbcus401B Essay

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SECTION 1: ADVISE ON CUSTOMER SERVICE NEEDS Activity 1 16/05/2015 01:42PM * 1 Why is it necessary to clarify and accurately assess customer needs and what communication processes might be utilised to do this? Upload your answer for assessment. 1.docx (12.2 KB) Trainer Comments 16/06/2015 01:24PM | Good | * 2 The customer, not the organisation, should determine product style, product quality and the service offered. Organisations must move away from producing whatever their factories are capable of, to producing what the clients/ customers require. What does this mean and why is it so necessary to communicate with and listen to clients/ customers – both current and prospective? This means that customers chose what product meets their needs so if the organisations do not focus their products to what they want, they can just go to another organisation. So it's very important to communicate with clients/customers in order to know what they want and be able to offer it to them. Trainer Comments 16/06/2015 01:25PM | Good | Activity 2 16/05/2015 01:42PM * 1 Explain how you might: * diagnose problems matching service delivery to customers * develop options for improved service * provide relevant and constructive advice to promote the improvement of customer service delivery I would diagnose problems matching service delivery to customers by constantly monitoring operations so I could identify problems earlier. This can be done by examinating sales/supply figures and customer feedback. Analysing all the data collected I would be able to notice which are the problems and then develop options to improve service. Always taking into account that everyday changes can happen so I would keep on monitoring service delivery day by day. To provide relevant and constructive advice to promote the improvement of customer service delivery
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