Juvenile Justice System Analysis

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“As envisioned by the founders of the juvenile justice system, delinquent youth should receive sanctions that both hold them accountable and rehabilitate them” (Journal of Criminal Justice, 2011). Many aspects of the juvenile justice system work together to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Partnerships formed by law professionals, families, communities, and juvenile courts are very important in helping juvenile offenders turn their lives around. Also, I believe that the role community involvement, law enforcement, courts, and corrections play in the Juvenile justice system is extremely essential in maintaining a successful deterrence rate. Juvenile corrections often faces challenges due to funding, state budgets, and the commitment…show more content…
Law enforcement plays an imperative role within the juvenile justice system. Today, there are programs to help direct juveniles in the right path as well as help those who have become a part of the system to hopefully give them a chance to better their lives. There are programs today that help bring law enforcement and juvenile together. Programs such as: D.A.R.E., The Boys and Girls Club of America, Youth Leadership programs, Youth Community Centers, Mentoring programs, After-School programs, and Family Support Services, which all help bring positive changes to dysfunctional juveniles. Without these programs and the help from law enforcement officials, juveniles would not have a way to escape from the negativity they see on a day to day basis. Law enforcement officials can also be great role models and mentors for juveniles. There are so many young kids who want to become police officers and in seeing positive officers within their community it can encourage them to pursue their dreams of becoming a part of law…show more content…
When Gault was accused by the neighbor Mrs. Cook he was apprehended and held at the children’s Detention Home, Gault’s parents didn’t learn of this tell much later in the evening. On June 9th a hearing was held were Mrs. Cook was not present, no one was sworn in, no transcripts were kept, and there was no memorandum of the substance of the proceedings was prepared. The testimony in the hearing consisted of allegations of Gault’s behavior and prior record of an accessory to theft. He was with a friend that stole a wallet from a lady. The juvenile judge ruled that Gault committed lewd phone calls, stating that he is a juvenile delinquent of Arizona and that he be held in the Arizona State Industrial School for the remainder of his minority. A 6 year sentence in the maximum security for juvenile’s in the state. The same offense for an adult is a 50 dollar fine or 60 days in jail, and that’s the
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