Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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Task One (Unit SCH22 - Assessment Criteria 1.1) Describe the duties and responsibilities of own role: Ans:- I have worked with my current employer from 8 months and i was working for Carewatch Leicester for nearly 1.5 years. I work with client with a learning disability, within a supported housing setting. My current job role is as a ‘Health Care Assistant. I am responsible for providing support to the service user’s, which includes: Personal care, assisting with meal preparation, assisting with medication, organising service user finances, assisting with meal planning, and maintaining records for service delivered. I received induction for 12 hours, and training when I first joined the company, which provided specialised training relating to the learning disability sector. I receive regular supervision with my line manager, where I can discuss any problems, and get support. I can also request training, and my manager can highlight areas where she thinks I would benefit from further training in. I attend regular refresher courses in training, so that I am up to date with the current standards required for my role. I treat all service users with respect and dignity, and my work practices reflect and promote equal opportunities. I have read, and understand my Company’s policies and procedures, and am aware of what to do in most circumstances, and the correct reporting/recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner, and ensure all service user information is kept up to date, and confidential.” Task Two (Unit SCH22 - Assessment Criteria 1.2) Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out: Ans:- Understanding of following few laws and legislations is helpful to fully understand Standard practice as Care worker in Domiciliary and Residential Services: Care Standards Act 2000 Health and Safety at
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