Nvq Level 2

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Unit 2 Understand what is required for competence in own work role 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own role I have worked with my current employer for five months. I have worked with clients with a wide range of mental, learning and physical disabilities within the community setting. My current job role is a 'care assistant'. I am responsible for providing support to the service user's, within their own homes which includes: Personal care, assisting with meal preparation, assisting with medication, assisting with meal planning, and maintaining records for continuity of care. I received an induction training course when I first joined the company, which provided me with specialized training relating to my job role sector. I receive regular supervision with my line manager, where I can discuss any problems, and get support when required. I can also request additional training if required, and my manager can highlight areas where she thinks I would benefit from further training in. I attend regular refresher courses in training, so that I am up to date with the current legislations and policies required for my role. I treat all service users with respect and dignity, and my work practices reflect and promote equal opportunities. I have read, and understand my Company's policies and procedures, and am aware of what to do in most circumstances, and the correct reporting/recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner, to the best of my ability and within my limitations and ensure all service user documentations are kept up to date, and confidential. 1.2 Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out Below is a list of legislations, which are relevant to my role. I am aware of these laws, and how they relate practice. These make up standards in which I follow for good practice in my role. •
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