Health and Social Care L3 Task B

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Task B Your work role Bi The main terms and conditions of my contract of employment are as follows; Description of my job role, location and hours of work, date of commencement, rate of pay, holiday entitlements and pay, absences from work, qualifications and professional standards, training, disciplinary procedures and dismissal, discrimination, grievances and capability, trade union recognition, statutory sick pay, pension rights, criminal records, probationary period, use of company cars and I T equipment, family friendly policies, confidentiality and data protection, wills and gifts, dress code and drugs and alcohol. Bii The information that is needed to show on my payslip is as follows; Name and address, employee number, national insurance number, tax code, date, tax period, employer paye number, rate of pay, total gross pay of period and year to date, net pay and any deductions made like tax and national insurance. Biii Two changes to my personal information that I must report to my manager are; change of name or change of address Biv There are two ways of dealing with a grievance at work STEP 1 informal, speak to the manager STEP2 formal, write a letter stating what the grievance is and when it happened. The manager will then request a meeting with persons involved, the manager will then come to a decision if you do not agree with the outcome you can appeal. Bv By signing my contract I agree to follow the policies and procedures and codes of practice correctly in the following areas; Data protection, Grievance, Conflict management, anti-discriminatory practice, health and safety, confidentiality, and whistleblowing. And my manager must make sure all the policies and procedures are kept up to date and made available at all times. Bvi My role contributes to the overall delivery of service by working in a

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