I have to utilise different skills when communicating with the different individuals for example- a member of staff may need to feel valued supported and understood , I may need to adapt the way I communicate to ensure them I understand. By having staff meetings, 1:1's with the staff to discuss any issues they have, discussed they work performance. This will hopefully help with their morale within work. When I am speaking with people I am the managing I need to know they understand my instructions, and understand that as their senior they have to do the duties that I request of them, this also has to be communicated to ensure people are happy to carry out the tasks I have requested of them. I am happy to use visual aids and also to communicate by example, therefore if I am discussing an issue with the domestics I will quite happily show them what is required and how to achieve the desired result to ensure there is no misunderstanding.
* accompany clients to appointments. * send regular (often monthly) written reports on the client's status to the client, the family, or both. * assess the client's situation to identify problems and offer solutions. * arrange and monitor in-home help. * review financial, legal, and medical issues.
The social worker are required to make visits to the home daycares and childcare facilities twice a week. The information on the spreadsheet consisted of the vendor’s name, address, date, and social worker’s name. On these visits the workers check for cleanliness, safety and made sure that each center or home had the proper amount of children registered and attending their daycare program. This information is viewed weekly by the unit’s supervisors and again by the Chief of Service. This spreadsheet is also use when we are audited by the state.
This has been the practice since Miss M moved into the care home and everything has run smoothly so far. 6.2 Agree criteria and processes for reviewing support for family members During the review meetings we have every three months, the home equally reviews the support the family members need to support Miss M and they are asked if they need any additional support, whatever they say is processed and the home gives them that support if it is within its reach like that of Miss M’s key worker accompanying them on journeys or refers it to the local council if it is not within its reach like that of getting some money to pay a trainer to train them on how to support Miss M while they are on holiday. 6.3 Encourage the individual and family members to participate in the review Whenever it is time to review Miss M’s care plan, the care home ensures that all concerned are available, and the home does this by asking the family members of Miss M what time would be best for them and then everyone agrees to that time and it is important to note that the family members have come to all the review meetings so far and Miss M who lives at the home attends too since it is a chance to interact with her family
• Manage a range of services to address the service user’s needs. • Develop personal skills with the service users, families etc. • Develop a skill base for staff to meet the needs of service users. • Recognise and utilise the other professional bodies to assist in the care packages • Make the best use of resources to care for more service users in a co-ordinated and cost effective way. Any contact we have with professional bodies is written in our incoming and outgoing monitor book; care plans are updated on a regular basis and implemented with any other suggestions from social workers, doctors, nurses etc.
· Follow agreed standards and procedures as determined by the RNIB, CQC and other agencies. · Attend handover meetings and care planning meetings to discuss the needs of service users and reach agreement regarding future car plans. · Develop effective relationships with service users, families and colleagues. · Complete daily logs and care plans relating to care delivered · Any other reasonable duries as required commensurate with the role 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuosly improving the quality of service provided Reflective practice helps me to learn, and find solutions for any problems i may come across. I can reflect during activities, or after activities have ended.
All staff attend handovers and pass on information both in writing in communication books and care plans and verbally in handovers and when needed. To complete accident and incident forms and referrals .Keep Managers and work colleagues informed of current situations. Individuals communicate with carers to express their needs and preferences and we ensure that they are met. As a carer I would discuss the options and choices available to the individual to allow them an informed choice regarding their
With service users – to ensure that their choices and wishes are met. With your manager – to report any problems. In an emergency – to request assistance. 1.3 Being a regular carer of an individual will establish, develop and maintain a
A break (respite care) for caregivers, family, and others who regularly care for you. Volunteer support, such as preparing meals and running errands. Counceling and support for your loved ones after you die. 18.Describe the scope of public health ambulatory services in the United States. Ambulatory care covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not admitted overnight to a hospital.
Communicating with other staff members ensures effective team working and continuity of care. It also ensures any health and safety issues are recognised and reported. All carers record notes about their visit in log books after attending an individual, thereby keeping other staff informed and aware of current situations with the individual. Individuals communicate with carers to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. 1.2 Understand how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting?