Ethics and Behavior in Professionalism

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“Ethics and Behavior in Professionalism” Moral principles/ ethics do not stay the same and need to evolve. These are influenced by the society in which we live including the changing relationship between people. It is different from people to people, situation to situation as well as age variation. Professionalism means to conduct oneself in the best way possible that is deemed acceptable to the people surrounding. It applies in all areas of life not only in the corporate world. So, rules and regulations that govern you as a person have to be adhered to. Professionalism is the skill, judgment power, and polite behavior, maintaining the ethics that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. Professional behavior means the way a person treat his/her job, co-worker, staff, seniors, junior, clients, and so one. As we are involved in an organizational setting, our main duty is to perform our work smoothly and perfectly. Most professions have internally enforced codes of practice that members of the profession must follow to prevent exploitation of the client and to preserve the integrity of the profession. This is not only for the benefit of the client but also for the benefit of those belonging to the profession. Disciplinary codes allow the profession to define a standard of conduct and ensure that individual practitioners meet this standard. Professional ethics or behavior whatever we call it can be defined through the bellow encompasses criteria. * Responsibility: we should be responsible to fulfill our main duties, for what we are appointed for. We cannot but neglect a bit and stay away from the duties. * Honesty: The fundamental of everything. We need to be honest in not only corporate life as well as in daily living. We should act honestly and do not tolerate or justify dishonest conduct in any circumstance. * Respect: The

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