In Public Administration There Is a Need for More Leadership and Less Management.” Critically Consider This Statement and Explain Why You Agree or Disagree.

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Traditional public administration in an ideal world is primarily concerned with the achievement of equity and fairness through public provision in addition to public financing (Greener, 2009). In order for public administration to run effectively, there must be a balance of both management and leadership. Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how it can be completed effectively (Yukl, 2002). Leaders are associated with the informal aspects of an organisation, whereas the job of a manager on the other hand is to organise and co-ordinate, rather than inspire and motivate (Murray, 2011). Management has more authority than a leader and has the final word in decision making. It is debateable that more leadership and less management is needed. They are necessarily linked and complement each other to make an organisation run smoothly. However, at present more leadership could make a positive impact and help organisations’ systems to work better due to several reasons which will be evaluated (Ensley, Hmieleski & Pearce, 2006). During the course of the essay the two components will be discussed and a conclusion drawn as to whether there is a need for more leadership and less management in public administration. The principles of public administration are of uniformity and fairness. Within an organisation there need to be managers and leaders in order for these aims to be fulfilled. Bennis & Nanus (1985) describe managers as people doing things right, whilst leaders are people who do the right thing. Obviously organisations need managers doing things right, but it is also positive to have leaders who may not have as much authority as managers, but are necessary in order for employees to be inspired and motivated. Fernandez, Cho and Perry (2010) suggest that there is a blurred distinction between leadership

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