L.O 3 Understand how to reduce barriers to communication 3.1 identify barriers to communication There are many barriers to effective communication such as; * Speaking a different language: When someone speaks a different language or uses sign language, they may not be able to understand what the other person is trying to say. * Sensory barriers: When someone cannot receive or pass on information because they have an impairment to one or more of their senses, the most common is hearing or seeing. • Slang – when a service user uses language that not everyone, in working with colleagues or service users you should avoid using any language that can be misunderstood or misinterpreted or that might cause offence. • Jargon – when a service provider uses technical language the service user may not understand. • Health issues – when you are feeling ill, you may not be able to communicate as effectively as when you are feeling well.
A submissive person usually fears upsetting others because they do not wish to hurt their feelings or fear them. Submissive people also usually assume that they are to blame for things, even if they are not. They also accept culpability when singled out by others. Avoidance Behaviour Avoidance behaviour is when a person distracts themselves from an activity or task to which an unpleasant emotion is attached to. Usually this emotion is fear.
By assessing their needs accessing their needs and getting required information about their communication needs you can find out the best way to communicate with a certain individual. By not using the correct aids and equipment, such as hearing aids, can make individuals feel isolated or they may even hold back on communicating at all. 3. Analyse features of the environment that may help or hinder communication. Some features that will help or hinder communication are things like lighting, if the lighting is poor they may not be able to see sufficiently and may not understand you, whereas if it is good they will be able to see what is going on around them and also will be able to see what you are doing or saying.
An issue occurs when the message has too much information and it’s confusing, having a fear of criticism or language differences. To tackle this problem, as a manager I would apply such methods as explaining my message I send to make sure the receiver understands it, or just set up meetings or conduct one on one conversations to communicate messages. Personal barriers are the real or imagined deterrents between you and the success you want to achieve. The best way to overcome personal barriers is to identify what keeps you from achieving your goals, and then take steps to remove those barriers and focus on the positives. It’s also important to not overstep privacy boundaries of others.
It is important not to speak out of angry emotions, and again sometimes it is best to tell an employee that one may need to think on the matter first before responding. While it may not seem like a "big deal" it is important to make sure that the words that are used when speaking to employees are simple and clear. Some employees may not understand the use of large words, and therefore the message that the manager / supervisor is trying to convey may be lost. Good grammar is also a must for every type communication. Use of slang terms is not a wise idea, as what is acceptable in generation / culture could be offensive to the next.. We must make sure we are saying exactly what we mean to and clearly enough that so that others are going to hear exactly what the manager / supervisor is trying to say.
when we have this barrier we must encourage them or ourselves that we have to have confidence and speak up this is because we must speak up in a setting or if we see something wrong then we have to tell someone. Lack of confidence is a hard barrier for someone to overcome so it’s vital they have support. We may have low self-esteem. When a person has low self-esteem they will feel down a lot of the time as they don’t think that they are good enough. They may think this because of their past or because they are being bullied.
Effective communication enables service users’ needs and wishes to be met. The individuals personality or behaviour could affect the way they communicate with others. For example, if the person is shy he or she may not be in the mood to communicate clearly, and may stumble on their words. How we communicate with the service users we support, is very important that we communicate with them very clearly, due to their cognitive disorder they may misunderstand what we are trying to say. This could also affect the relationship we have with the servicer users.
People resist change for several reasons. Some people resist change because of poor communication. The changes may not be communicated thoroughly or efficiently therefore leaving people confused and more inclined to resist; miscommunication can cause resistance. Fear of the unknown is also a reason to resist change. People may be scared to do something different because they don't know what the outcome will be; they are scared to take a chance or a risk.
First though, you have to make sure that both parties are ready to listen. Being flat-brained isn’t going to make for a good listener, in this case, you would have to make a rain check for the conversation. Otherwise it will not be a very healthy chat. The talker with the biggest bother will talk, the listener will put himself in the talker’s shoes, and feel that persons bother as well. The talker owns the problem, but the listener will share the problem.
If effective communication does not take place then service users can feel that they are not in control of their lives or the care that they are receiving and can be left feeling isolated and intimidated by situations. Service users also communicate their consent to any treatment and care that they are to receive and any medication that they are prescribed. Understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual. It is important when considering communication to be aware of the needs of the service user. If the service user has any sensory impairments such as deafness or blindness then different ways of communicating need to be looked at such as sign language.