Home And School Work

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Homework is an essential part of school because it allows children to keep up to date with their school work. It also helps them learn faster. In this essay i will demonstrate two good things to homework and one bad point one good point to home work is that it gives children time to do class work in their own time and can be more relaxing doing work in the comforts of your own room. Such as taking a small break between work and listening to some music while doing homework which can be much more relaxing another good point to home work is that it gets work and ways of doing work stuck in children’s head allowing them to do better in class and during a test or exam such as if u had to do a maths test you could do a piece of work at home shoeing the student how to work out a graph and when the test came the student would know how to interpret the graph so they would get better marks. Also doing the work at home allows the parents to see what their child is learning or doing. now for another side of the story about homework and it is that homework can be extremely stressful because a student might have problems at home they are trying to deal with and than a teacher gives them a essay to write and there not actually shore how to write it properly also a bad point about homework is the student might already get what they’re doing so they don’t need to do the homework coz they are far too busy with work or friends. Also bad about homework is why is it given anyway because we’re not allowed to bring home to school so why should we have to bring school to home its an unfair system and the school and home should be separated. so in all my opinion on homework is that we should not have it and i find it stupid and unfair but this essay might of directed you otherwise
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