High Perefomance Work Teams

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How to foster a high performance working team Rationale for the workshop What is a high-performance team, and why is it important? * Every Human Service organisation has within it groups of people: employees and/or volunteers, management committees, boards or other governance structures, and even clients in organisations that promote consumer/client participation or involvement, who work together for a common purpose, goal or task. * This purpose, goal or task is to provide service or services to people with particular human needs, who may be disadvantaged, or who need some critical service provided to them to support them or enhance their lives. * This work is often stressful, difficult, challenging and difficult to measure in terms of its impact in peoples’ lives. This work can also be rewarding, humbling and uplifting. * The work is often most rewarding when its effectiveness can be determined, and this is underpinned by the effectiveness of the team or teams of people who deliver service or services to their clients. * To be effective these groups need to be cooperative in nature and be equally committed to the achievement of common purpose goals by maximizing their own and each other’s success. * By doing this they can then be seen to be working as a working team. Conversely by working as a team they can achieve this level of effectiveness – of high-performance. * The ultimate role of a high performance team is to come together as a unit and perform with professionalism and dedication. * A working team within a HSO that can come together as a unit, share tasks, and recognize the contributions of its members will prove to be far more successful that a disjointed more traditional style work group. * By working as a team, and addressing the various issues that contribute to a team’s high performance, effective Human
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