High And Low Fat Diets

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Cambria Anderson Ms. Brisco Physical Education I 26 July 2011 High and Low Fat Diets For years, people have known that a lot of fat in their diets can lead to health issues, and have learned to stray away from fatty foods. Many have resorted to low-fat diets to live a healthier lifestyle, yet there are downsides to that too. Yet, with doctors and nutritionists discovering new findings in health and dieting every day, it’s hard to see which diet really is better: a high fat or low fat one. Low-fat diets are definitely the better choice. To begin with, low-fat diets don’t mean you have to get rid of all fats and oils. Some fats and oils are important for health and body functions, such as essential fatty acids and olive oil. You can also have higher carbohydrates while on a low-fat diet, whereas on a high-fat diet, the main foods to avoid are carbohydrates, and by avoiding carbs, you can lose some of the high-fiber plant foods which are essential to low cholesterol. Yet, there is a downside to eating low-fat foods. Foods that are low in fat could be high in sugar or other substances, which could be a contributing factor to today’s rise in diabetes. But as long as you read the nutrition labels on the things you eat, health problems won’t be anything to stress over. Secondly, low-fat diets are better for your health and weight. In fact, the American Heart Association, the World Cancer Research Fund, the American Dietetic Association, and the FDA both show how low-fat diets can benefit your body. Low-fat diets can better prevent cancers and are better for low cholesterol and your heart. Unlike low-fat diets, high-fat diets can cause ketosis, which can cause irritability, headaches, and can cause the kidneys to work harder. Ketosis is also known to cause heart palpitations and, in some rare cases, cardiac arrest. You don’t want that, now do you? But, on the
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