Health Eating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Recent medical research has shown that healthy eating habits can curb many of the symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort are some of the main symptoms. Other symptoms may include constipation diarrhea. Reducing the amount eaten at meals and the level of digestive tract stimulants taken in has a large impact on these common symptoms. Though this will not eliminate the symptoms all together, they will have a noticeable effect. Eating smaller meals more frequently can aid in digestion which will alleviate some of the symptoms of IBS. Smaller meals throughout the day can be beneficial in a couple of ways. They allow for easier digestion. With less food going through the intestine, the digestive system has an easier time of processing the food you take in. This prevents over stimulation of the colon and eases some of the discomfort that is common with IBS, such as bloating and gas. Smaller meals also keep your blood sugar even to avoid feeling tired and lethargic during the day. This gives you a sustained amount of energy and allows you to get through the day without feeling as though you need a nap. Smaller more frequent meals throughout the day also prevent overeating at meals which can also aid in weight loss. While eating healthy can aid in reducing the symptoms of IBS, there are certain foods that should be reduced and/or avoided to help reduce symptoms. Caffeine is one of these items. Caffeine can act as a diuretic. This means the caffeine can cause fluid to excrete through the kidneys which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can cause hard stools which can be difficult to pass, resulting in constipation. A stimulant that can be high in caffeine is coffee. Coffee has been known to accelerate the process of gastric emptying, which can lead to stomach contents with high acidic levels

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