Essay On Raising The Drinking Age To 21

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THAT WE SHOULD RAISE THE LEGAL DRINKING AGE 21 Raising the legal drinking age to 21 has been an issue commonly discussed in the past years. While there are multiple arguments on both sides of the issue the legal drinking age should be raised to 21, in order to benefit the community in Australia and those most important to us. It will help complete the development of brains in adolescents and adults. It will make Australian roads safer by taking alcohol infused adolescents aged between 16 and 21 off the roads. Schoolies is yet another reason to lift the legal drinking age to 21, not only does it put 18 year olds is danger it also puts the community around them in danger. Lifting the legal age is the right thing to do. Today, young people are drinking from a much earlier age and it is affecting one of their most important organs, their brain. Alcohol as a neurotoxin affects young brains in the area known as the amygdala, which controls risk taking, rewards and gratification. It also affects the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for logic, judgment and planning. The seven years after a child reaches puberty mark a development…show more content…
Underage people are finding it too easy to get their hands on a drink, they simply have to be left home alone and they can take alcohol from their parent’s cupboard or they can simply ask an older friend to buy them a drink. If the drinking age is lifted to 21 then they will have fewer friends who are old enough to buy alcohol legally and supply them with it and with parental help, maybe locking their alcohol cupboard, raising the legal drinking age to 21 will help lower the terrible statistics on young teenagers drinking and make sure they have long-term health and
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