What Are The Benefits Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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Alcohol is one of the most heavily consumed beverages in the United States. In 1995, the average adult drank about 36 gallons of alcoholic drinks, (or "hard liquor"). In comparison, the typical American drank about 25 gallons of milk, 21 gallons of coffee and 47 gallons of soft drinks (Drinking Habits). In studies through the 1990s by the Harvard School of Public Health, the percentage of college students who reported binge drinking within the previous two weeks remained steady at 44% (Update: Alcohol Issues). If the age is lowered, young adults won't binge as often making it safer and not something that's done to be “cool”. Learning how to drink at a younger age allows responsibilities to be taught before kids are sent to college. Lowering the high drinking age in the United States will reduce the irresponsible drinking habits amongst the youth in America.…show more content…
The drinking age isn't meant to be a big deal, but the first couple years of lowering the drinking age could cause many students to be reckless. There are many responsibilities that come along with drinking at a low age, most importantly drinking and driving. Lowering the age will reduce all such problems, but at first will seem extremely hectic. Lowering the current drinking age of 21-and-over will allow young Americans, most of who are perfectly capable of drinking responsibly; to no longer drink in private or in short amounts of time, thus alleviating potentially dangerous conditions. Drinking privately is extremely unsafe and when kids are in a situation they can't handle, they can then ask for help. Majority of teens are capable of being responsible and can handle the low age. This will alleviate all the problems with college students. Underage drinking is a huge problem in the United States because it has one of the highest ages in the
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