Unlike other countries, the United States is very strict on the drinking age. Instead of the age 18, where we are legally an adult, the drinking age is 21.The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because being 18 is when you are a legal adult and should be able to do everything a legal adult does, including drinking. Binge drinking has become a major problem in youths in the United States. Youths under twenty-one drink profoundly when they can get their hands on alcohol. The ecstasy of breaking the law and being rebellious also influences their drinking and this has
Hanson, and I believe that some of the reason why students drink to excess is because of that adrenaline rush they get from breaking the rules. My parents, among many other adults, have told me that once you reach the legal drinking age, getting excessively intoxicated loses its thrill. Perhaps if we were to lower the drinking age to eighteen, we would see less college students admitted to hospitals with alcohol poisoning and other alcohol related issues. Overall, a lower drinking age seems like a good idea to me. It would allow students in college to go out and enjoy themselves without being stressed out about breaking the law, as well as possibly lower the number of alcohol related injuries and incidents.
Lowering the Drinking Age Would be a Mistake There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States for many years on whether or the not the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or stay at 21. Underage drinking arises in high school and only continues to get worse in college. Students are continuing buying alcohol through fake identification cards, getting into bars and drinking illegally. This process is completely unsafe but it is not as dangerous as to what would happen if the drinking age was lowered to 18. Various individual s such as students and adults think that lowering the drinking age would have a positive effect more than a negative one.
Goodpaster 1 Instructor: WR 60 23 October 2013 Alcohol: Emotional Effects Caused From Under Aged Drinkers This day in age; more and more kids don’t think about the damaging effects alcohol can do to a young adult’s body and mind. I am not speaking of the physical damage that it may cause, but rather the emotional turmoil that may occur. Consequences are always inevitable and may change a person’s life forever. To drink under age because it is seen as “cool” is not a good enough reason to risk changing one’s life forever. Drinking alcohol before the age of Twenty-one is not healthy.
Leaving the drinking age at twenty-one will not necessarily stop underage drinking, but will definitely continue to disable many underage drinkers from drinking more. Finally, if teenagers being more prone to being seriously hurt, dropping out and/or going to jail, or even just hurting his/her athletic or academic potential is a good thing, then do not be one for lowering the drinking age to twenty
Bronson Guimond Guimond 1 English Composition (HC111) Dana Anderson 20 September 2011 Legal Drinking Age in america There are many reasons why the government has passed laws on the legal drinking age in America. I believe that if a human being of any age thinks they are capable of consuming alcohol, then they should be able to do so. Alcohol is very dangerous if it isn’t used responsibly. I understand that because of many teen deaths due to alcohol that the government changed the drinking age to 21; however this is not going to stop teen drinking. I would discuss this topic with an audience consisting of teens, parents, and government representatives.
People find it bizarre that the tobacco age is 18, but the drinking age is 21? People care more about alcohol than they do tobacco products, but tobacco is one of the leading killers in the U.S. today. Allowing 18 year olds to start ingesting tobacco products, such as cigarettes or chewing tobacco, at the age of only 18 will give them an earlier start to becoming addicted, and in the long run, shorten their life span. Some think it is absurd letting people smoke, but they cannot go out with friends and drink. Smoking and drinking are both addictive and can have negative effects if used improperly, but smoking one cigarette is more harmful than drinking one beer.
The law knows people are going to drink in college and a little bit in high school. There’s no way of stopping that. But teenagers these days drink to get drunk, and they don’t drink all that often so when they do, they get very intoxicated. If the law lowered the age, then teens would not look to drink to get drunk all the time, they would drink to relax like adults do. Plus teens wouldn’t be as broke, because they are not getting in trouble by the cops and getting minors.
Clearly there are many reasons why drinking age should be lowered to 18, the most obvious being that too many people are drinking before they are 21. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money, and if they can get away with selling to underage teens, then they will. By now is it obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under-21 group from drinking? There are multiple facts that provide reasons why the
Who Is Most Affected By Alcoholism Misty Wood Louisiana State University Abstract Simply stating that the use of alcohol affects everyone may be true but it affects some people to greater lengths than it does others. Often overlooked by many in today’s society is the growing problem of problem drinking. In college, drinking is thought of as fun and cool. In older middle adult life it is considered the norm. So who is most affected by alcoholism?