Hanson, and I believe that some of the reason why students drink to excess is because of that adrenaline rush they get from breaking the rules. My parents, among many other adults, have told me that once you reach the legal drinking age, getting excessively intoxicated loses its thrill. Perhaps if we were to lower the drinking age to eighteen, we would see less college students admitted to hospitals with alcohol poisoning and other alcohol related issues. Overall, a lower drinking age seems like a good idea to me. It would allow students in college to go out and enjoy themselves without being stressed out about breaking the law, as well as possibly lower the number of alcohol related injuries and incidents.
Another reason the drinking age should be lowered is because in the United States you are considered a legal adult at 18. You can go to war and risk dying for your country when you are 18, you can also vote, buy cigarettes, but you can't buy alcohol. If a person is mature enough to make serious decisions
Smoking and drinking are both addictive and can have negative effects if used improperly, but smoking one cigarette is more harmful than drinking one beer. If they lowered the drinking age to 18, there would be a lot fewer problems related to alcohol. Lowering the drinking age would take away the excitement of teens drinking. People who are under the age and drink see drinking as a rebellious act. Under age teens will drink less than they did before since the thrill of is gone.
Clearly there are many reasons why drinking age should be lowered to 18, the most obvious being that too many people are drinking before they are 21. Liquor stores, bars, and clubs all want to make money, and if they can get away with selling to underage teens, then they will. By now is it obvious that the law has not succeeded in preventing the under-21 group from drinking? There are multiple facts that provide reasons why the
This want is what teens drink for. Now if them drinking was not considered illegal then they would not be rebelling and the teens would have to find something different to do to fit in. As stated above underage drinking occurs even with the law in place. The government should acknowledge the fact that underage drinking will occur and take steps to prevent accidents and injuries from underage drinking. The way they can do this is
They think it should be lowered to 18 for many reasons. For one, being 18 means one is technically an adult and are able to smoke, vote, and register to serve our country, then why can’t you have a beer with some friends? This makes one an adult and see adults drinking all the time, but you are not able to just seems unfair. One could be going out to war and putting their life on the line, but when they come back, they are not able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage with some friends may seem outrageous to them. The television promotes drinking all the time too.
Abstract Binge drinking has become a major problem in youths in the United States. Is it because most children are not informed about alcohol?Other countries outside of the United States do not seem to have this problem. Is it that their youth are better suited for alcohol? But I believe it is to be on the strict laws of the United States. Josh Smith July 1, 2013 Dr. Gwee CMPS 290 I’ll Drink to That In Portugal, the drinking age is 16, but for America, it is 21.
Brandon Corris English 60 M. Shahisaman Feb. 7th, 2012 Legal Drinking Age – Argumentative Essay Ever encountered a belligerent drunk that was not of age? Every day more and more underage kids are using, or abusing alcohol. Furthermore, the drinking age should not be lowered to eighteen because less teens will be motivated in taking on the new found responsibilities of a young adult, fatal accidents will surely be increased, and younger and younger kids will be involved in crime. First off, eighteen year olds do not have enough experience with driving or alcohol to be operating anything while under the influence, let alone a motor vehicle. More so, a teenagers body is not matured enough mentally, nor physically, to execute decisions that hold another person’s life, or freedom at stake.
Any state can lower the age of legal drinking within their boundaries if they choose too. However, if any state chooses to lower the age, they will be cut off from highway funds from the government. So the debate has begun in many states whether lowering the drinking age would benefit our country or take it downhill. Many colleges are supporting the idea of change for reasons including reduced binge drinking among college students and eighteen year olds should be able to have a beer if they can fight and die for their country. Many people oppose the idea arguing eighteen to twenty year olds will only drink more if they are legally allowed to.
Goodpaster 1 Instructor: WR 60 23 October 2013 Alcohol: Emotional Effects Caused From Under Aged Drinkers This day in age; more and more kids don’t think about the damaging effects alcohol can do to a young adult’s body and mind. I am not speaking of the physical damage that it may cause, but rather the emotional turmoil that may occur. Consequences are always inevitable and may change a person’s life forever. To drink under age because it is seen as “cool” is not a good enough reason to risk changing one’s life forever. Drinking alcohol before the age of Twenty-one is not healthy.