Alcoholism is a serious medical problem in our country. Criminal justice experts have estimated that at least 75-80% of defendants included in felony crimes or serious misdemeanors were either under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they committed their crime or they did their mistake/mistakes to survive because they had lost their financial resources due to their addiction. Work productivity has been lowered due to divorce, suicide, increased medical problems, and also school drop-out rate. These are only a few problems caused by alcoholism. Studies have shown that for the most part, we have increased the probability that our child or children will not have a problem with alcohol or drugs.
One way of describing alcohol is to call it a “toxic drink” for the body. Alcohol is harmful to the human body, and even more harmful to young adults, whose bodies and minds have not fully matured to handle the effects of alcohol. The abuse of alcohol results in both physical and mental damages to humans. Damages include liver damage, addiction, and depression. “Also, lowering the drinking age would have dangerous long-term consequences: Early teen drinkers are not only more susceptible to alcoholism but to developing the disease earlier and more quickly than others” (Dean-Mooney).
“Mothers Against Drunk Driving claim the higher drinking age is responsible for a decline in annual alcohol-related deaths, from 26,173 in 1982 to 16,885 in 2005...” (Boston University, 2013). Although this decline is also related to other factors, such as safer vehicles and highway design, it undoubtedly accounts for most of
A person's motor of functions is impaired; yet, because of alcohol's depressant effect that person will feel less inhibited and more self confident about themselves. As a result a person, after having consumed alcohol, is more likely to engage into high-risk situations which would normally be avoided or treated cautiously. Sara was assumed to be over the legal intoxication limit and proven here, her ability to understand or treat the incident normally was effected. Keegan stated that Sara and Karen engaged in a binge drinking contest. Binge drinking can cause blackouts, memory loss and anxiety.
Letting younger people drink is giving immature citizens more of the ability to make bad decisions that not only affect themselves but can also be very harmful to others. So in the end the obvious recommendation is to keep the drinking age at 21, because this allows people extra time to let their brains develop both physically and
Lowering the age will allow teens to drink with supervision. Lowering the drinking age will make drinking less popular. So please read the pros carefully, and for the sake of underage drinkers, lower the
Lowering the drinking age to 18 will lead to under age drinking in bars and nightclubs, which are known to be unsafe environments. Studies have shown that fatal car accident happen after nightclub and bar outings. About 1900 people under the age of 21 die in car accidents related to underage drinking every year.
Running Head: LOWER LEGAL DRINKING AGE Lowering the Legal Drinking Age July 12, 2009 The drinking age is a complex issue that needs to be addressed. The legal drinking age has fluctuated variously throughout the last thirty years changing from twenty-one to eighteen and then back to twenty-one again. Many people would say that the current age is fine because the later in life a person can drink the later they can drink and drive. As this is true there might be a better solution to the problem. The legal drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one years old to eighteen years old because the United States has the highest legal age in the world, eighteen year old soldiers
The controversy of whether or not the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen in the United States has been an ongoing issue. Turning eighteen means receiving rights and responsibilities of adulthood, therefore why not change the legal drinking age? Many argue that doing so will produce new problems among young adults that will put them as well as others in danger. However, lowering the drinking age to eighteen can actually benefit our society and create a safer environment for those who are underage. This controversy goes back to many decades ago.
Drinking Age Some argue to keep the drinking age at 21 because the brain does not finish maturing until the age of 25. It is even worse to have people drinking at age 18. Setting the drinking age at 21 has not stopped teen drinking; instead, it has increased underage binge drinking, leading to more health and life-endangering behavior by teens. Because alcohol affects everyone drastically, the drinking age should remain at 21 to keep young adults from having poor health and making poor decisions. One statistic that would argue for raising the drinking age is an examination of death rates from homicide and vehicle accidents.