Developing Self Awareness

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In my opinion Emotional Intelligence is the most important core aspect of self-awareness as it is a very important factor of an effective performance of a manager. Cameron and Wheten define Emotional intelligence as “the extent to which people are able to recognize and control their own emotions, as well as to recognize and respond appropriately to the emotions of others” (Wheten and Cameron 2011, p. 63). Therefore especially managers nowadays have to be emotionally intelligent in order to improve their relations with other people as well as recognize and manage his own emotions and the emotions of others in order to build up a good relationship. One of the most important aspects of emotionally intelligent people is that they have a strong self-control so they can successfully manage difficult situations as well as manage themselves effectively in important negotiations. This can be a great advantage as they are “less likely to blow up and lose control, less likely to experience debilitating depression and anxiety, and more likely to manage their own emotional states […]” (Wheten and Cameron 2011, p. 65). However, for example a manager has to express himself clearly in important business negotiations in order to gain respect from other people and know how to deal with pressure. Therefore emotional intelligence is an important ability to manage and understand the own emotions as well as the emotions of others and respond to them appropriately. Another important point is that emotionally intelligent people are able to “accurately diagnose and empathize with the feelings of others” (Wheten and Cameron 2011, p. 65) which is advantageous regarding avoiding conflicts as well as improving the communication amongst each other. Consequently emotionally intelligent people normally show high empathy and be very sensitive towards their employees as well as their experiences

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