Develop Professional Supervision

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Develop Professional Supervision – 511 1.1 Supervision is time in which a supervision and worker dedicates time to discuss performance, issues, concerns and promote personal development and learning for the worker. The principles of supervision are that it should have a regular time frame eg. Once every month and an approx length in duration eg. 1 hour. The time should be protected – with a private space away from disruption and their should be a joint understanding between the supervisor and supervisee that all content remains confidential. It is helpful to have a set, clear agenda to ensure that important items are discussed, however it could be argued that having a formal agenda detracts from the personalisation of the supervision. Supervisions can be informal and formal and a good manager should provide both. They can also be provided in a group situation as well as on a one to one basis. Group supervison promotes peer support whereas one to one supervision allows appropriate person centred support and more confidential and personal issues to be discussed. Supervisions allow workers to reflect on their practice and receive support to improve the quality of their work. It should aim to decrease the chances of staff ‘burn-out,’ promote safe practice, increase work satisfaction and enhance work performance. Supervision should promote personal development which in turn, enhances quality of the service that they provide and outcomes for service users. It also makes staff feel supported which motivates them to improve the quality of their work. Supervisions allows time for education and psychological and practical support. If allows allows opportunity for work performance to be assessed and manage and allows any issues to be addressed. 1.2 There are several models of supervision. Wonnacott (2012)’s model considers staff, service users, organisation
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