Unit 1 Level 3. Promote Communication in Health and Social Care

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UNIT 1 – PROMOTE COMMUITCATION IN HEaLTH, SOCIAL CARE OR CHILDRENS AND YOUNG PEOPLE SETTINGS. 1.1. IDENTIFY THE DIFFERENT REASONS PEOPLE COMMUNICATE. People communicate for numerous reasons. It could be to express their feelings or pain. To Give their opinion on a matter or just express their emotions. Communication can be informal or formal. In the social care setting all communication should be recorded as at a later date it may be required for legal reasons. All communication between a carer and client should be completely confidential and only shared with relevant colleagues. All communication between staff should be correct to ensure continuality of care at all times. Care plans should be up to date for staff to refer to this helps with continuity of care. 1.2. EXPLAIN HOW COMMUNICATION AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORK SETTING When people communicate well with individuals in a work setting they usually feel satisfied. Good communication ensures that service users receive the best quality care and their individual needs met. It also enables you to build a strong relationship with a service users and colleagues. A relationship is built on trust. Trust is essential as care staff deal with every part of a service user’s life including very intimate personal care. 2.2. DESCIBE THE FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN PROMOTING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The factors to consider when promoting effective communication are as follows : Verbal communication. The tone the volume of your voice would need to be correct to suit individual situations. Also the speed at which you talk is a factor. For example for residents that have problems with hearing I have to make sure I speak clearly and slowly to make sure they are able to hear correctly. : Non-verbal communication. The expression on your face or your body language. Hand gestures and direct eye contact are
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