Communication Barriers Essay

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Barriers to effective communication and why these may occur How can you overcome these barriers? Are there alternative forms of communication? Environmental problems-when communication is affected by the environment that people find in themselves. For example someone who doesn’t see very well will struggle to read written information with a small font size in a dimly lit room. To overcome this barrier there must be good lighting in the room and also make use of enlarged font to print information to benefit those with sight problems. Stressed and emotional difficulties- if a person is stressed out they wouldn’t want to talk to anyone and they sometimes isolate themselves. For example when someone receives bad news about a close relative being on a coma. To overcome this barrier, allow the person to calm down and talk to them in a polite way. Try to speak positively and reassuring them that everything is going to be alright. And also try to convince them that better days are awaiting for them ahead. Cultural Differences-when the same thing means different things in two cultures. For example it is seen polite and respectful to eye contact when speaking to someone in the Western Culture and yet in the Eastern Culture it is considered rude and mean. To overcome this barrier, try to learn about other cultures and respect them. When talking to someone from the Eastern, you will know what their culture says and avoid situations that will seem disrespectful, like making eye contact with them. Language Differences-when someone speaks to you in a language that you may not be able to understand. For example a Zimbabwean man trying to give directions to a Chinese man and yet they both don’t speak English. To overcome the barrier, you can find someone who understands your language to interpret or translate it for you. Use of acronyms-when words are shortened to
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