Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Mauthausen

593 Words3 Pages
This essay is a very brief summary about one of the most well-known concentration camps ever in history. Student level: 6th grade. Words: 500-700 more or less.. what ever comes first. NOTE: I apologize for any grammar mistakes written in this essay. Auschwitz The Auschwitz camp was located in a province of present-day Poland. It consisted of several satellite camps. In each of these camps the prisoners were treated as slaves to work in the German Nazi Industrial factories. They worked in appalling conditions, for example, without clothes, without proper equipment, poorly fed and without medical care. Many of them worked to death or died of starvation. In the last days of the Nazi regime, from 1942 to 1944, the Auschwitz camp was used as an extermination camp. That is run mainly served to prisoners of the Jewish origin. Through processes such as gas chamber, crematorium and shootings, Jewish people were executed. This period was known as the stage of final judgment. The camp was released by the Soviet Army (Russian), in 1945. It is believed that more than 1.3 million prisoners were executed in the concentration camp, mostly Jews, Gypsies and Poles. Today, the concentration camp of Auschwitz has been converted into a museum, in which are seen the atrocities committed during the Nazi regime. Bergen-Belsen The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was initially intended as a prisoner war camp, where, be exchanged for German prisoners of war camp prisoners. It was located in a province in the northern part of present-day Germany. Over time the camp was turned into a concentration camp. The prisoners were released by British troops in 1945. The photos and videos taken during the liberation of the concentration camp became famous worldwide to be aware of how the Nazis carried out their atrocities. It is believed that in this field were performed

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